[Zope-CMF] CMF/LDAP auth
Tres Seaver
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 08:16:20 -0500
Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> there have been some changes to the *core* CMF checked in on 3/18 which
> moved method calls around between the Membership Tool and the Member
> Data Tool. i'm not sure why those were made since they obviously will
> break a lot of code but i will take a closer look over the next few days...
The relevant checkin message is:
The major goal of that change was to make the site work even if the
RegistrationTool has been deleted (that tool should not be needed on
sites which do not allow through-the-web joining).
Most code should not break, although the CMFLDAP product is a very
likely exception, as it implements replacements for the stock tools.
> jens
> On Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 11:12 , larry_prikockis@NatureServe.org
> wrote:
>> Hi...
>> I'm sure this is something silly, as I had it working before but... here
>> goes:
>> I'm running Zope 2.5, the latest CMF out of CVS and the latest version of
>> LDAPUserFolder...
>> I can set up the LDAP user folder so I can correctly talk to the LDAP
>> server, look up users/groups, etc.
>> However-- when I try to log into the CMF Portal, I get the following:
>> Traceback (innermost last):
>> /zope/Zope-2.5.0-linux2-x86/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/ZRPythonExpr.
>> p
>> y, line 49, in __call__
>> (Info: member.setProperties(last_login_time=member.login_time))
>> File Python expression
>> "member.setProperties(last_login_time=member.login_time)",
>> line 2,
>> in f
>> File /zope/Zope/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/MemberDataTool.py, line
>> 241,
>> in setProperties
>> TALESError: Sorry, an error occurred
>> ----------------------
>> any idea what's going on? I've been scratching my head on this one all
>> morning and can't figure out where it's frelled up...
This is one of the infamous "TALES swallows all errors" bugs:
line 241 of the MemberDataTool is raising 'BadRequest' because the
registration tool disallowed the property, 'last_login_time'.
Note that it does not appear that the "stock" portal_memberdata tool
has been replaced here.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com