[Zope-CMF] default workflow question

Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
12 May 2002 19:18:23 -0400

On Sun, 2002-05-12 at 02:58, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Mark Gibson writes:
>  > ...
>  > That pretty much works.  I had to create mutually exclusive guards, 
>  > otherwise Zope seemed to have a problem - perhaps having to do with 
>  > trying to automatically transition to two different states.
> I had used a slightly different approach:
>   I had kept the normal "private" state and a single automatic
>   transistion for priviledged users leading into the published state.
> There is currently a big open issue with CMF-Workflow: when
> you move/copy/import an object, the object is set into the initial
> state.

True for CMF 1.2, but fixed on HEAD and CMF-1.3 branch.

>   Depending on who does this operation, you may end up with lots
>   of published objects, you never intended to have...
>  >   However, the unanticipated side effect is that  the new content that 
>  > is created and published isn't editable!
> Look at the "Permissions" tab of the "published" state.
>    It will probably not be easy to allow priviledged users to
>    edit their own content but not that of others.

If you add a "Privileged" role to your CMF Site (using its "Security"
tab), you will be able to map workflow-managed permissions to it in
the "Security" tab of each DCWorkflow state.  If you then arrange to
give this role only as a local role to your "privileged" users with
respect to their own content, that should achieve what you are looking

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com