an old question: "[Zope-CMF] Enabling ftp/webdav directory creation? "
Wed, 15 May 2002 21:20:20 +0800 (CST)

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This question was posted to [Zope-CMF] by Byron on  Wed. 12 Dec. 2001,
and there isn't any response since then. 

Now, I encounter a similar problem. I'm using Zope 2.5 and CMF 1.2 for linux. In a FTP connection, login as a normal member, I can't create a new directory (Portal Folder) in my (member's) home, while a manager can. The ftp error message is '530 Unauthorized.'

However, in CMF1.2/CHANGES.txt, there is description repeated here:
   New features

   * Hooked manage_addFolder to allow creation of PortalFolders from
     both WebDAV, FTP, and ZMI. 

Do I miss something?

Joe Y.S. Jaw  
> [Zope-CMF] Enabling ftp/webdav directory creation? 
> Byron Servies 
> Wed, 12 Dec 2001 14:55:15 -0800 
> Previous message: [Zope-CMF] Problems with Objects or Acquisition 
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> Hi,
> Sorry if this is not a CMF-related issue.
> I have set up zope 2.4.3 and CMF-1.2, created a site.  When attempting to
> create a directory (folder) using ftp I receive '530 Unauthorized' back
> from zope.  I have logged in as a regular site user and cd'd to the
> /Member/username directory before attempting to create the directory.
> Similar messages occur for webdav via golive.  Creating regular files works
> just fine.
> The security is all at the default settings; if I log into zope using a web
> browser as the same user, I can create folders.

> What do I have to enable/change so that users may create folders via ftp or
> webdav in their member directories?  Can someone point me to a howto that
> explains this?
> Thanks,
> Byron

