[Zope-CMF] Re: [CMF] 84/ 2 Accept "Excessive time consumption by "Filesystem Directory View""

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 11:05:51 +0000

Dieter Maurer wrote:
>   The comment in "DirectoryInformation._changed" says that some Windows
>   directories do not update the directory modification time for
>   new/deleted files.

That comment may be out of date.

>   In this case, we cannot rely on modification time and must use
>   explicit scanning. "listdir" should be sufficient for this and
>   a bit less expensive than "walk".

Ah, okay, if you could make that work I'd be greatful :-)

>  > The tests get around this by updating the file in a loop until the modification 
>  > date changes. Some of the tests were failing even with this :-(
> Hm, almost unbelievable.

Indeed. A lot of print statements convinced me otherwise, IIRC.

>   Maybe, "_changed" is called and no reload called for despite "_changed"
>   returned 1. A single call to "_changed" resets the state.

Nope, I was actually printing the interger number representing the modification 
time and there were situations where it wasn't updating. I think if you delete a 
file and maybe if you add one.

>   On the other hand, I would not expect that a test, unless explicitly
>   designed to generate race conditions, should reveal one.

*shrugs* I wasn't aiming to test any race conditions...

> Lets see what tests fail.
> I will then see whether I can reproduce it here and find out
> the reason.

good luck :-)
