[Zope-CMF] Re: [Plone-users] News Syndication

george donnelly list@zettai.net
Thu, 07 Nov 2002 09:54:22 -0500

write your own RSS file and populate it as you would a news page. Google
search for the format of an RSS file. you might also find an example in the
Squishdot code.

george donnelly - http://zettai.net/ - "We Love Newbies" :)
Zope Hosting - Dynamic Website Design - Search Engine Promotion
Yahoo, AIM: zettainet - ICQ: 51907738 - e:george@zettai.net

> From: Bin Zhang <bzhang@hawaii.edu>
> I am trying to generate RSS for the news
> items in Plone.  How do accomplish this?