[Zope-CMF] CMFCore - utils.py and add_Product vs __init__ (Problem)

Pascal Samuzeau samuzeau@oreka.com
Fri, 08 Nov 2002 23:12:27 +0100

After some problems with manage_addProduct, I have traced what is     
But I don't know how to resolve it, because I don't know well the CMF 
The problem that I am not able to resolve is to write some add_Product
function, which call the class describe below in the same package.    
Every time the __init__'s class is called, but never my add_Product   
So in the utils.py of  CMFCore, I have just added the line :          
raise "content-type: %s et meta-type: %s"                             
def manage_addContent( self, id, type, REQUEST=None ):                
    """ Add the content type specified by name.                       
    # self is a FactoryDispatcher.                                    
    contentinit = self.contentinit                                    
    obj = None                                                        
    for content_type in contentinit.content_types:                    
        if content_type.meta_type == type:                            
+            raise "content-type: %s et meta-type: %s"                
            obj = content_type( id )                                  
    if obj is None:                                                   
        raise 'NotFound', type                                        
    self._setObject( id, obj )                                        
    if REQUEST is not None:                                           
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST)                        
With this I have runned some Add Product. One of my result here.      
(notice : it's not MY Product)                                        
Traceback (innermost last):                                           
File D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 150, in        
publish_module File D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 
114, in publish                                                       
File D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 158, in             
zpublisher_exception_hook File                                        
D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 98, in publish File 
D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 88, in mapply        
(Object: manage_addContent) File                                      
D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 39, in call_object  
(Object: manage_addContent)                                           
File D:\Zope2-5\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\utils.py, line 476, in    
manage_addContent content-type: <extension class                      
Products.CMFCalendar.Event.Event at 0161FA50> et meta-type: CMF Event:
(see above)                                                           
As far as I am able to understand, I see that my Product is called by 
content-type: <extension class Products.CMFCalendar.Event.Event at    
But I was intend thet is was called by:                               
content-type: <extension class                                        
Products.CMFCalendar.Event.Event.addEvent at 0161FA50>                
Two reasons of this "error" :                                         
1 - I have not well written my product. I don't think, for the reason 
that I have tested this with other product NOT written by me          
2 - It's really an error ( I think so, until...)                      
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