[Zope-CMF] ActionInformation objects that are not accessible through ZMI
Sidnei da Silva
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 20:46:16 -0300
On Qua 04 Set 2002 20:14, Phil Glaser wrote:
| Hi,
| 1. Am I on the right track in understanding how this process works?
Yes. Dig the source is the best way to understand.
| 2. Do the membership tool's actions not show up in the ZMI to
| portal_actions because the actions are defined within the MembershipTool
| class, and hence modifications to the actions through ZMI could not be made
| persistent in a clean way? (I'm assuming that portal_actions was developed
| after the MembershipTool was and that MembershipTool would need to be made
| compatiable with portal_actions)
Not exactly. (see below)
| 3. Is there any other way for me to modify the ActionInformation objects in
| MembershipTool (and other tool classes, for that matter) independently of
| the MembershipTool's class definition. For example, is there some kind of
| initialization hook where I could intervene? Or is the cleanest thing for
| me to modify the MembershipTool's source code?
Yes and No. Enter your CMFSite, look down to portal_membership, click on it,
click on the 'Actions' tab. Now you see the user actions :)
| Many thanks for your help!
Welcome to the CMF World!.
Sidnei da Silva (dreamcatcher) <sidnei@x3ng.com.br>
X3ng Web Technology <http://www.x3ng.com.br>
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