[Zope-CMF] "/view" questions/problems ...
Dieter Maurer
Sat, 7 Sep 2002 20:12:33 +0200
Kevin Carlson writes:
> A few days back I posted a question somewhat similar to this one that was
> regarding portal_types and their actions. It seems to me that when you
> append an action id onto the end of a URL the result should be that you are
> directed to the action (method, etc.) that is associated with that id. This
> works for view apparently, but as I discovered with the help of Ausum, this
> does not work for other actions. Where does the code that governs this
> behavior live? I would love to take a stab at augmenting this and supplying
> a patch...
"view" works, because "PortalContent", the base class of all portal
content, defines it.
As you see, this cannot be generalized for other actions.
You could try the "__bobo_traverse__" hook.