[Zope-CMF] Folders inside SkinnedFolder not viewable
Tres Seaver
03 Apr 2003 11:55:31 -0500
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 11:13, Rob Boyd wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a custom CMF Type subclassed from
> SkinnedFolder. Inside this object, I add regular
> Portal Folders. If I put content named index_html
> inside the portal folder, I can navigate to the
> folder. But with no index_html, I can't get a folder
> view (unlike other portal folders outside of my
> skinned folder). So, if my object is named 'foo' and
> my portal folder is 'bar', an attempt to navigate to
> mycmfsite/foo/bar results in an error.
On the "Actions" tab of your SkinnedFolder-derived type object, set the
"Action" property of the "view" action to "folder_view", or some other
template of your choice.
> The error message is:
> Resource not found. Check the URL and try again.
> Resource: PortalFolder instance at ....
> I've tried the same with other CMF products based on
> SkinnedFolder (CMFCollectorNG) and the same thing
> happens.
> Any ideas why I can't get a folder view on folders
> inside SkinnedFolders? Does my custom type need to
> have its own folder_view skin, or do I need to add
> something to my class definition to enable use of the
> default folder_view? (I'm new at custom products).
The 'folder_factories' structure for your custom product can "preload"
this template ID, so that users who install your product won't have to
configure it.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com