[Zope-CMF] Re: CMFCollector almost fully functional
Damon Butler
04 Jun 2003 14:54:36 -0500
> > (1) I cannot alter the id of the Collector itself. I must stick with the
> > auto-generated id it provides. What this means is that I am unable to
> > return to the Collector and edit its configuration after initially
> > creating it. Attempting to submit changes (even if I change nothing!)
> > always sends cursor focus back to the "Name" field on the configure
> > form, and the helpful tip exclaims:
> Have you tried renaming it from the Contents View instead?
That works, of course. I'm troubled by the refusal to accept the
submission via the HTML form, is all, since most everything else seems
to work properly.
> > (2) I can't figure out how to assign a collector issue to anyone. Where
> > do you supply names and addresses for issue handlers? Why is the "Assign
> > to:" list box always empty?
> Read the descriptions on the "Configure" page ;)
Yeah, I finally figured it out when I came into work this morning.
Thanks for your patience.
> > And finally, a question: What is the purpose behind the Collector Subset
> > object? What can you do with it? Where does it go after you create it? I
> > couldn't find it after I made one.
> I have actually never used it, but I think the idea is that you can create
> a view of a certain set of the existing issues, like a pre-defined search.
That makes sense. Thanks!