[Zope-CMF] Re: [Plone-users] How do I get every user able to see all
foldersof a given group?
David Neelands
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 10:40:37 -0400
I thought found my answer to question #1
Make folders visible in left navbox
In the Plone interface, have you ever wondered about the criteria for
how a folder appears in the navigation box? Fortunately it is very
simple. Folders in the top of your Plone site that are published are
visible in the navigation tree. To hide them, visit the folder's state
tab and select Make private under Change state.
(from http://plone.org/documentation/book/b )
However, this does not work on all directories... just some. I publish
each directory, but then the subdirectories do not appear. I published
those, and they still do not appear (refreshed the user view). Also,
the Documents directory is invisible, even though it is in a published
state. Help.
And I still need help on #2.
2) I want users to be able to see the contents view of any given
folder. Not to add, but to just see a list of files. How can I do
-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
David George Neelands
Alachua County Information & Telecommunication Services
dgn@co.alachua.fl.us, (352) 338-7300
-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
"The user owns the Back button."
-- Dr. Jakob Nielsen, http://www.useit.com/alertbox
>>> "David Neelands" <dgn@smtp.co.alachua.fl.us> 06/05/03 09:41AM >>>
My questions:
1) How do I get every user able to see all folders of a given group?
For example, I have a "Departments" folder that lists, naturally,
directories for most departments. Default users can't actually see
this... they just see the name of the Plone site under the Navigation
menu. How can I change default user rights to be able to see these
2) Also, I want users to be able to see the contents view of any given
folder. Not to add, but to just see a list of files. How can I do
If someone can point me to proper reading to answer these two
questions, please do, I'm not afraid of documentation.
3) If 2 is not possible (if you can't let users view the contents of a
directory and not add), how can I show a list of files as people dump
them in? Our users will undoubtably want to just upload their files
into the proper directories (that will be asking enough) without
to think about how to make a link to them.
My thanks in advance. Also thanks to Maik for Epoz.
It's really great.
-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
David George Neelands
Alachua County Information & Telecommunication Services
dgn@co.alachua.fl.us, (352) 338-7300
-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
"The user owns the Back button."
-- Dr. Jakob Nielsen, http://www.useit.com/alertbox
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