[Zope-CMF] Re: [Plone-users] How do I get every user able to see all foldersof a given group?

Martin martin@easyweb.co.uk
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 16:30:37 +0100 (BST)

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, David Neelands wrote:

> 2) I want users to be able to see the contents view of any given
> folder.  Not to add, but to just see a list of files.  How can I do
> this?

Simple - don't put an index_html file in there.


Alternatively, shove the folder_contents method there:

If you don't have a role that lets you add content, you just get the file


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 become mere sounds, their etymology being
 buried, like so many of the earth's marvels,
 beneath the dust of habit." - Salman Rushdie