[Zope-CMF] Can't export to a Zope CMF Red Hat 9 Server

Troy Farrell troy@entheossoft.com
Wed, 07 May 2003 12:23:37 -0500

Hehe.  I knew that...
I even stole this script from zopelabs.  Put it in portal_skins and use 
the test tab to run it.

## Script (Python) "setSkinDirPath"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
import string

#get possible skins

#we can not use os.sep so we must look ourselfs what
# the path separator is
if newDirs[0].find('/') > -1:
   newSep = '/'
   newSep = '\\'

objs = context.objectItems('Filesystem Directory View')
for n,o in objs:
   found = 0
   path = o.getDirPath()
   if path.find('/') > -1:
     sep = '/'
     sep = '\\'
   #look for new path by comparing the last 2 elements
   dArr = string.split(path,sep)
   for i in range(len(newDirs)):
     # if we found the directory skip the rest
     if found:
     ndArr = string.split(newDirs[i],newSep)
     if string.lower(ndArr[-1]) != string.lower(dArr[-1]):
     if string.lower(ndArr[-2]) != string.lower(dArr[-2]):
     # if we land here, we found the real one
     found = 1
     o.manage_properties(dirpath = newDirs[i])
   if(found == 0):
     print path, ' not found'

print 'finished'
return printed
#end script

Hope that makes it less painful.

Romain Slootmaekers wrote:
> the problem is most likely the FileSystem directory views.....
> these have absolute paths... and must be changed manually or with a 
> script....
> click on portal_skins and on Images then on properties
> and modify the culprit.
> do this for all skins.
> have fun. ;)
> Romain.