[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] exceptions (small post-permissiongeddon
y.2004_ at wcm-solutions.de
Mon May 3 12:22:53 EDT 2004
Tres Seaver wrote:
> Sidnei da Silva wrote:
>> -1 for #2, as I think that a thirdy party product expected to replace
>> CMFDefault may want to reuse the same exceptions to keep as much
>> compatibility as possible and avoid a dependency on CMFDefault.
> The only one I see which is CMFDefault-specific is IllegalHTML; nothing
> in the core knows raises or catches it, nor should. Any product which
> *wants* to know about this exception depends on CMFDefault anyway; it
> is only interesting if you are using / deriving from Document. +1 for
> moving it to CMFDefault.exceptions.
> OTOH, EditingConfilic is a *much* more "framework-ish" exception, which
> would reasonably be used by multiple products. -1 for moving it out of
> CMFCore.exceptoins.
EditingConflict belongs to the safety belt machinery. Safety belt is
used in CMFDefault and products depending on CMFDefault. CMFCore doesn't
define / implement this machinery in any way.
So if you ask me, EditingConflict doesn't belong into CMFCore.
There are still many string exceptions that need to be replaced. An easy
rule where to put and find these exceptions would be quite helpful.
"framework-ish or not" isn't a simple rule.
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