[Zope-CMF] Re: FSDocument type

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Mon Nov 1 08:17:12 EST 2004

>> I want to convert an existing site that uses pretty much static 
>> content (in this case good old DTMLDocuments) to CMF. I want that 
>> content to end up on the file system in skins to improve 
>> maintainability. The most logical content type to use is the CMF 
>> Document. Now, there is no filesystem equivalent so I'm currently 
>> stitching one together.
>> Question: I'd prefer this to go into CMFDefaul rather than stay a 
>> separate thing. Any concerns or comments (or yay/nays)?
> Of course it sometimes makes sense to 'misuse' some CMF components. 
> But in general I like the current separation of content (site root) 
> and presentation (skins).
> -1 for adding file system content to skins
> Maybe together with a 'portal-type'ish' subclass of DirectoryView your 
> proposal would become more 'CMF'ish'?

The only "assumption" that my proposal runs counter to is "skins are 
only for presentation/code". Content and presentation is still fully 

I also think that what I currently is very CMFish. The FSDocument even 
has its own type information etc, I did not see a need to create 
another base class somewhere...


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