[Zope-CMF] Re: FSDocument type

yuppie y.2004_ at wcm-solutions.de
Mon Nov 1 08:41:18 EST 2004


Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
>> -1 for adding file system content to skins
>> Maybe together with a 'portal-type'ish' subclass of DirectoryView your 
>> proposal would become more 'CMF'ish'?
> The only "assumption" that my proposal runs counter to is "skins are 
> only for presentation/code". Content and presentation is still fully 
> separated.
> I also think that what I currently is very CMFish. The FSDocument even 
> has its own type information etc, I did not see a need to create another 
> base class somewhere...

Well. I still don't like the idea to have content layers in skins. But I 
see the point that using the skins tool is an easy way to inject content 
to the site root.

The question I had in mind was how this works together with a folder 
structure. I guess for mounting fs directories as subfolders or using 
subfolders on the file system a new 'portal-type'ish' DirectoryView 
class would be useful.


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