[Zope-CMF] Re: Newbie question
Raphael Ritz
r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Wed Sep 1 06:30:18 EDT 2004
Marc_Schijvaerts at PeopleWare.Be wrote:
> Dear all,
> I definitely need some help understanding why the following does not
> work. I already search the forum and it appears that Archetypes seem to
> be the answer to my problem. However, I want to understand why things do
> not work. And that's why I turn to you guys... I altered the appearance
> of the Event_Edit_Form by adding an additional field. I customized the
> Event_Edit_Form and when editing an event document, my new field shows
> up (that was a moment of happiness). However, data that is inputted into
> this field is not saved. I can understand that the event_edit_form is
> just an interface and that there is something else I have to make aware
> that there is an additional field (property ?). But what and where?
The edit form typically calls an edit script which takes care
of processing/storing the data, e.g., by assigning them to
a property of the item. So you would have to touch some
other things in addition but as you already guessed correctly
using Archetypes, things should be much simpler.
If you are new to Zope/CMF/Plone/Archetype you might want
to take a look at http://www.neuroinf.de/LabTools/MySite
One of the things it demonstrates is how to provide a
custem Event content type.
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> Marc
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