[Zope-CMF] Looking for stateful tree navigation

Carl Rendell crendell at sol43.com
Fri Apr 8 19:46:36 EDT 2005

Hello there,

It's been a while for me on this list ;) Not sure if this is a should 
be cross posted or not, but the solution is unrelated to Plone.

I've been moving deeper and deeper into plone of late, but one thing 
that is kicking my behind is creating a _stateful_ navigation tree. The 
stateless default navigation tree works fine for most cases, but in 
some particular cases people want the ZMI type of navigation.

Been playing with the SimpleTree methods, but the issue there is 
filtering by security context.

After scouring the web, and quite a bit of work it would seem I need a 
leg up on the problem. A 'how-to', pointer to a product, or explanation 
of how to use the current tools would be sufficient.



Carl E. Rendell
crendell at sol43.com

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