[Zope-CMF] Re: Re: VIRTUAL_URL and ACTUAL_URL (was Re: Collector Issues)

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Mon Dec 5 01:38:08 EST 2005

--On 4. Dezember 2005 20:13:52 -0800 Alexander Limi <limi at plone.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 10:23:25 -0800, Dieter Maurer  <dieter at handshake.de>
> wrote:
>> I have difficulties to understand the paragraph:
>>   What have anchors to do with the query string?
>> As I understand it, "anchors" (fragments in the URL) are a client
>> only concept: fragments are not transfered to the server.
> Correct, but it's impossible to construct valid anchors that do not
> reload  the page if you do not have a working ACTUAL_URL because of Zope
> setting
> the <base> value to something else than the current page.
> Thus, a link like <a href="#someanchor" /> will *reload the page*, then
> go  to the anchor - which is clearly not desirable behaviour.

Why can't you define your own concatenation of ACTUAL_URL + query string 
within the global definitions of Plone?


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