[Zope-CMF] Re: RFC: backporting including python-package-product support to support Zope 2.8

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Wed Jan 18 19:22:02 EST 2006

Andrew Veitch wrote:
>> Let's put it this way: By the time Plone 2.5 is releases (if 
>> according to roadmap), Zope 2.8 is one month away from being
>> *discontinued*. Conservative or not, I wouldn't bet on a release
>> line that won't receive bugfixes the minute I start using it...
> Just so I'm clear, I've just checked the Plone 2.5 roadmap and it  says
> it is due in 8 May this year - is it really true that Zope 2.8  is going
> to stop getting bugfixes in June this year?

Yes. This was suggested by the Zope 2 release manager, Andreas Jung, two
months ago:
http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2005-October/025554.html. Of
course, other people are still welcome to backport fixes to the 2.8
branch and make releases themselves, but I suspect neither Andreas nor
the Zope 2 developers will have the bandwidth to maintain more than
three concurrent branches (Zope 2.9, Zope 2.10 and the trunk at that time).

> I think for those of us deploying Zope on an enterprise scale it will 
> be pretty hard to do upgrades this frequently.

I think one year is a pretty big span. Today, for example, you would not
start a project on Zope 2.8. You would do it with Zope 2.9 which is
going to get bugfixes until the end of 2006.


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