[Zope-CMF] Re: Adapterizing CMFCore.WorkflowTool

yuppie y.2007- at wcm-solutions.de
Sun Dec 30 16:28:34 EST 2007

Laurence Rowe wrote:
> yuppie wrote:
> <snip/>
>>> and adapterizing workflow status and history: 
>>> http://plone.org/products/roadmap/221
>> +1
>> I just would prefer named adapters over multi-adapters. And deprecate 
>> getHistoryOf, setStatusOf and getStatusOf.
> The problem with using named adapters is that it becomes necessary to 
> make individual registrations for every workflow id. You could have all 
> calling code fallback to general interface lookup, but this would make 
> it pretty much impossible to deprecate getHistoryOf, setStatusOf and 
> getStatusOf. Perhaps I've missed a better way of handling this?

Now I see why you didn't propose named adapters. But I'm still not happy 
with adapting (IContentish, basestring). Did you consider to add getId() 
to IWorkflowDefinition and to adapt (IContentish, IWorkflowDefinition)?

Cheers, Yuppie

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