[Zope-CMF] Re: License file question

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Thu May 29 04:54:52 EDT 2008

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

Hi Jens,

> Just wondering: Now that we are splitting the CMF down into its 
> constituent packages and people don't need to get the old-fashioned 
> tarball, do we need to have a copy of the LICENSE.txt file in every 
> package? 

I'd think so, yes.

> And if yes, where would it go? It could go into each subpackage 
> toplevel folder, where the setup.py resides, or down into the software 
> folder where the other text files (README, CHANGES. etc) are located.

Not sure whether that's following best practice but here is
how paster/zopeskel generate this at the moment (this is taken
from a custom add-on I'm currently working on):

ritz at ritz-laptop:~/dev/paster/incf.applications/trunk$ ls
docs  incf  incf.applications.egg-info  README.txt  setup.cfg  setup.py

ritz at ritz-laptop:~/dev/paster/incf.applications/trunk$ ls docs

How do others handle this?


> jens
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