[Zope-Coders] Zope 2.7 branch

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred@zope.com
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:22:22 -0400

Ken Manheimer writes:
 > >From the cvs manual section for commitinfo
 > (http://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs-1.11.6/cvs_18.html#SEC167):
 >   Note that both the repository directory and the corresponding Attic
 >   (see section 2.2.4 The attic) directory may need to be checked to
 >   locate the archive file corresponding to any given file being
 >   committed. Much of the information about the specific commit request
 >   being made, including the destination branch, commit message, and
 >   command line options specified, is not available to the command.

Well, that text is there because I contributed the patch to add it the
last time I looked into doing anything interesting in the commitinfo
handler.  ;-)  (That was for the Tab-denial script that I've mailed
around a couple of times, but no one has expressed any interest in
installing.  I've a modified version that can more easily check
non-Python files, like ZCML.)

 > I'm torn over deleting the tag.  I've done so more than a few times,
 > immediately after mis-creating a branch, and have never encountered a
 > problem.  The thing i fear is some hidden corruption that gradually
 > and insidiously destroys not just our repository but all of

There's no reason to think that the repository itself will be botched,
and all the relevant revisions should still be accessible using the
dotted version numbers; it's just the association between the name the
numeric chains that we lose (foo-branch --> x.y.0.z).  For branches
that were simply mistakes to begin with (and that's an easy one to
make!), we should be fine.

 > western
 > civilization (a small target, considering its oxymoronic nature).  I
 > don't think either is a real risk, though, so i'd be happy to make a

Yeah, well, you can't destroy what doesn't exist, at least!  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation