[Zope-DB] Re: [Zope] [Support] problem
Dario Lopez-Kästen
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:58:06 +0200
> Dear Sir,
> I had sent u a mail regarding connectivity of zope with oracle but till
> now i have not been provided with the support.
First of all, I need to point out that there is no *free* support for Zope,
other than the *voluntary* efforts by other members of the lists you post
your questions to. So you cannot expect to have anybody prioritising your
specific problem. If you need support other than what is offered on the
mailinglist and what exists in the various documents aroud zope.org, I am
sure that Zope Corporation will provide you with pricing info regardign
their Support Services.
Anyway, on to your problem:
> I have downloaded the ZOracleDA.But I am still confused about the
> setupfile thin and the make thing.
> I am using windows NT and and have installed Python 1.5.
> Ihave got Oracle8.1.7 running over my NT machine.Please tell me as to h=
> go step by step. Waiting for your reply.
For NT, you should download the following binary version:
read the documentation about insallation that is included in the download
and follow the following instructions from matt:
"...since it includes prebuilt versions for Python 2.1 on Windows
(against Oracle 8i client libraries). If you unzip it in
{ZOPE_HOME}/lib/python/Products, you can
rename the target directory from DCO2 to ZOracleDA, run the
install.py file inside to extract the proper binary..."
also if you want to install the module manually, try the following, but you
should not need to do this if you ran the install script:
if you want to make a manual installation, copy the
appropiate module for your platform from the
'binaries' subdirectory to the 'DCOracle2'
subdirectory (i.e. side by side with the
'DCOracle2.py' file) and rename it to 'dco2.pyd'
Hope this helps. All the background needed to understand the above is
include in the download package.
PS: Mail any replies to zope-db@zope.org
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer Chalmers Univ. of Technology
dario@ita.chalmers.se ICQ will yield no hits IT Systems & Services