[Zope-DB] opening and closing a database connection from a dtml-method
Matthew T. Kromer
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 09:27:18 -0400
Thomas_Janke@prisma-edv.de wrote:
>I would like to know how to open and close a connection say, with a
>mouse-click on a dynamic web-page E.g., in a form.
This is actually a lot trickier than you might think with Zope. The
reason is that Zope's RDBMS support does not have an "administrativly
closed" state on connections -- each time a connection is needed, it
will be opened if it is not already open. So, if you acquire a
connection object (e.g. by name) and replace its connection string with
an invalid one, you'll "close" the connection -- but that's not really
what you want, I dont think.