[Zope-DB] Delete a column in a table with PostGreSQL 7.1.x

Gerhard Häring gerhard@bigfoot.de
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 01:46:04 +0200

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On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 10:23:50AM +0200, Florian Schuler wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have a short question: How can I delete a COLUMN in PostGreSQL 7.1.x ?
> If I try :
> test=3D> alter table messages drop COLUMN betreff CASCADE;
> I get an error message like this ----|
> 						*|*
> 						 *
> ERROR:  ALTER TABLE / DROP COLUMN is not implemented
> I am shocked. How can I do that ??

I think the error message is pretty clear :-)

But there is a workaround, see question 4.5 in the FAQ

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