[Zope-DB] Text in Query Question
Fernando Martins
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:51:41 +0200
Rima Gerhard wrote:
> Say that I have a table called "artshows" which
> has a column
> description. In the description, I want to query another table and insert
> something like
> "The artshow is taking place at <span tal:repeat="in
> python:root.selectLocation(art_id='23')"><a href="link"
> tal:attributes="href
> in/linktowebpage">location</a></span>.
> Right now, the query inside of the columns doesn't get executed by Zope.
> Does anyone have any idea how to work around this problem?
Hmm, I suspect the problem is here: art_id='23'. Why not use art_id=23? What
is the type of the column art_id. What is your ZSQL method? Have you tested
it in the ZMI?