[Zope-DB] EuroPython 2003: Call for Papers (Business Track)
M.-A. Lemburg
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:41:40 +0200
now that PyCon is over and people are just getting ready to head
off to Python UK, we'd like to reissue our request:
Tim Couper and I are looking for talks for the "Python in Business"
track at EuroPython 2003, Charleroi. If you have a good idea for a
talk, then please submit the talk via the EuroPython talk database
interface at:
If you have problems with that form, please write to mal@lemburg.com
or tim@2wave.net directly.
Speakers will get free entry to the event, but will have to pay
for catering.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Professional Python Software directly from the Source (#1, Mar 31 2003)
>>> Python/Zope Products & Consulting ... http://www.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ... http://python.egenix.com/
Python UK 2003, Oxford: 1 day left
EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium: 85 days left