[Zope-DB] Error in ZMySQLDA, help me please...

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Sun May 23 15:08:41 EDT 2004

antoniodelfin at ono.com wrote at 2004-5-23 12:31 +0200:
>I'm new in the list, and I have a problem with ZMySQLDA, I've installed
>zope 2.7.0, ZMySQLDA 2.08, MySQL-python-0.9.2 for python 2.3, and python
>2.3 seemingly all goes in the right way and I could add a Z MySQL Database
>connection, but when it try to connet gives me the next error:
>   Error Type: AttributeError
>   Error Value: server_capabilities

Install the most recent "beta"(!) version of "MySQL-python".


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