[Zope-DB] Re: Which objects can be stored in Data.fs

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Fri Oct 7 03:56:03 EDT 2005

On 7 Oct 2005, at 08:27, rdl3 at compaqnet.fr wrote:

> ok thanks,
> The software responsible for this problem is Nuxeo CPS (Collaborative
> Portal Server), which is based upon CMF (I think CMF itself is well- 
> tested
> enough not to be accused  of being responsible) and is very similar  
> to the
> maybe best-known Plone.
> (By the way does anyone would know if this happens also with plone ?)
> Anyway, I'm gonna ask on CPS mailing lists to see if this is a  
> (hopefully
> corrected in new realeases) bug or if this is not well known.

You need to do a little homework first. Try to find out *what* is  
writing to the database, what objects get changed. The Undo log might  
have some clues, otherwise use a ZODB analyzing tool like Tim suggested.


P.S.: The CMF does *not* write to the database when you view content,  
that's for sure.

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