[Zope-DB] DCOracle2 with a Stored Procedure that Returns
Maan M. Hamze
mmhamze at pleiades.net
Tue Mar 20 08:53:53 EDT 2007
To give an update:
To run a stored procedure which returns a ref cursor, I tried:
c1 = db.cursor()
c2 = db.cursor()
sql = "storedProcedureName(:inparam1, :inparam2, etccc, :outparam)"
options = (inparam1, inparam2, etcccc, c2)
c1.execute(sql, options)
As recommended below.
This did not work.
However, this worked:
c1 = db.cursor()
c2 = db.cursor()
c2 = c1.procedures.storedProcedureName(INparam1, INparam2, etc..)
Only the INparams are given as arguments. c2 is returned as a cursor
r = c2.fetchall(), or
r = c2.fetchone()
This was causing a segmentation fault on a Sun Solaris box.
On Windows, I got an actual error message. While fetching, the cursor
has a field of ora datatype TimeStamp. This was crashing DCOracle2. a
to_char solved the issue.
I am using DCOracle2 and Oracle 10 on Solaris (and Windows XP).
Did anyone run into issues of handling TimeStamp oracle data type with
-----Original Message-----
From: Maan M. Hamze [mailto:mmhamze at pleiades.net]
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:32 PM
To: zope-db at zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope-DB] DCOracle2 with a Stored Procedure that Returns
"m.banaouas" banaouas.medialog at wanadoo.fr:
options = "(2714, " + "'" + "99999999" + "'," + "36, 1, c2)"
it's wrong!
you must give a sequence as second parameter of execute method.
So you do like this:
options = (2714, '99999999',36, 1, c2)
c1.execute(sql, options)
I tried it both ways.
With what you suggest:
Import DCOracle2
db = DCOracle2.connect(connectionString)
c1 = db.cursor()
c2 = db.cursor()
options = (2714, '99999999', 36, 1, c2)
sql = "storedProcedureName(:INparam1, :INparam2, :INparam3, :INparam4,
c1.execute(sql, options)
I am getting now:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "/opt/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/DCOracle2/DCOracle2.py",
line 98
7, in execute
self._cursor.bindbypos(i, p)
ValueError: invalid data type bound
Printing options yield:
>> print options
(5920, '99999999', 36, 1, <DCOracle2.DCOracle2.cursor instance at
Would this be causing the invalid data type bound error above?
Also, should not the following work:
c2 = c1.storedProcedureName(2714, '99999999', 36, 1) ??
Maan M. Hamze a écrit :
> Hello -
> Thanks for your help. I am still getting errors -
> You wrote:
> sql = "sp1(INparam1, :INparam2, :INparam3, :INparam4, :ref_cur)"
> Did you mean:
> sql = "sp1(:INparam1, :INparam2, :INparam3, :INparam4, :ref_cur)"
> (notice :INparam1 instead of INparam1)
> Assume sp1 is hrpofficial, INparam1 = 2714, INparam2 = '99999999',
> INparam3 = 36, and INparam4 = 1
> db = DCOracle2.connection(connectionString)
> c1 = db.cursor()
> c2 = db.cursor()
> sql = "hrpofficial(:INparam1, :INparam2, :INparam3, :INparam4,
> :ref_cur)"
> options = "(2714, " + "'" + "99999999" + "'," + "36, 1, c2)"
> c1.execute(sql, options)
> I am getting an error:
> DatabaseError: (900, 'ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement')
> Any hints?
> Thanks again,
> Maan
> for row in C2:
> ...
> Maan M. Hamze a écrit :
>> I am using DCOCralce2 with Python 2.41, and Oracle 9.
>> I have a stored procedure (sp1) that takes 4 IN parameters, with one
>> parameter. The OUT parameter is a **ref_cursor** that holds a data
> set.
>> I am doing the following:
>> db = DCOracle2.connection(connectionString)
>> C1 = db.cursor()
>> C2 = db.cursor()
>> #I run the following holding the result into the cursor C2
>> #since the OUT param is a ref_cur
>> C2 = C1.sp1(INparam1, INparam2,INparam3,INparam4, ref_cur)
>> I expect to get a data set
>> I know there is data when sp1 is run
>> But I am getting an empty data set when I fetch data via C2 cursor.
>> Do you have any idea how to make this work when a stored procedure
> a
>> ref_cur OUT parameter?
>> Thanks,
>> Maan
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