[Zope-dev] Anyone have IMAPAdapter working?

Michel Pelletier michel@digicool.com
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 13:05:37 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Clements [mailto:bkc@murkworks.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 1999 12:02 PM
> To: zope-dev@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope-dev] Anyone have IMAPAdapter working?
> It looks like my NotMail can't get tree to recognize the 
> imapFolderTree 
> in ImapAdapter.
> In folder /Imap, I created a Notmail object called "Hayden".
> When I access /Imap/Hayden I'm prompted for my userid and password 
> (which happens to match my access file entry, btw). I then get this 
> traceback.
> (also, if I use a different userid that is only on the imap 
> server, I get "you 
> are not authorized" however I think I have all permissions 
> turned on for 
> IMAPUser).
> If anyone has a step-by-step installation process, I'd 
> appreciate seeing 
> it. Thanks

Install IMAPAdapter and NotMail (use the latest beta of NotMail 0.1.1,
which fixes an unrelated DTML bug)

Create a NotMail, in your case called Hayden

Create a Role in that NotMail called NotMail

Check the 'View' Permission for the Role NotMail in the NotMail folder
(alternatively, you can create the role and check the permission in a
higher level folder, like your /Imap folder)

*In a different browser* meaning not in the same browser or in another
instance of the same broswer you are managing the Zope from, go to
/Imap/Hayden.  Log in with the imap userid and password.

If you use the same browser you manage Zope with, it *will not* work.  I
use linux so I just run a netscape as a different user, or use my other
computer (which is NT :( ), or start a netscape on another machine and X
it over.

I just stepped through these and it works like a charm.


> <!--
>  Error type:  
>  Error value: imapFolderTree
>  -->
> </body>
> </html>
> <!--
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 877, in 
> publish_module
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 590, 
> in publish
>     (Info: Imap/Hayden/imap_menu)
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 157, in __call__
>     (Object: imap_menu)
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 153, in __call__
>     (Object: imap_menu)
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py, line 513, 
> in __call__
>     (Object: imap_menu)
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py, line 138, 
> in render
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\TreeDisplay\TreeTag.py, line 
> 152, in render
>     (Object: a tree tag)
>   File D:/ZopeOne\lib/python\DocumentTemplate\VSEval.py, line 200, in 
> eval
>     (Object: imapFolderTree(REQUEST))
>   File &lt;string&gt;, line 0, in ?
> NameError: (see above)
> Brad Clements,                bkc@murkworks.com   (315)268-1000
> http://www.murkworks.com                          (315)268-9812 Fax
> netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com               ICQ: 14856937
> _______________________________________________
> Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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> (For non-developer, user-level issues, use the companion list,
> zope@zope.org, http://www.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )