[Zope-dev] Minor Fix to CopySupport.py

Stefan Franke sfranke@cdc-group.com
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 18:30:05 +0200

The current CVS's CopySupport._get_id funtion is a little buggy.
When pasting a copied object more than one time, the generated
Ids are

[copy of original]
copy2 of copy of original
copy3 of copy2 of copy of original

which is misleading. The attached function code (sorry, 
I have no diff available) fixes this to

[copy of original]
copy2 of original
copy3 of original

and contains a proposal also: The first two lines

    try: return ob._get_id(id)
    except AttributeError: pass

call a container's _get_id method if available to allow customization.

 * * *

If you change CopySupport.py please have a look to

    "[Zope-dev] Possible bug in CopySupport.py (Zope 1.10.2)"

as well, which I posted two weeks ago to zope-dev


 * * *

[CopySupport.py, line 426]

def _get_id(ob, id):
    try: return ob._get_id(id)
    except AttributeError: pass
    try: ob=ob.aq_base
    except: pass
    if (len(id) > 8) and (id[8:]=='copy_of_'):
    orig_id = id
    while (hasattr(ob, id)):
        id='copy%s_of_%s' % (n and n+1 or '', orig_id)
    return id