[Zope-dev] RE: [Zope] RE: No Access file found.

Chris Larson clarson@changeling.com
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 11:38:40 -0500

On 4/12/99 9:58 AM , Scott Robertson sroberts@codeit.com said:

>> > Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
>> > 
>> > OK. Allow me to clarify. Is there any way to redirect the 
>> > path for the 
>> > 'access' path when it should be somewhere other than 
>> > for example, I have multiple instances of Zope databases, 
>> > with one Zope 
>> > install, and I want to use a single superuser, or access 
>> > file. Not what 
>> > Im' doing, but closer to a mebbe-real-world use. As far as I 
>> > can tell, 
>> > Zope wants 'access'  located at '../INSTANCE_HOME'. Any 
>> > ideas? Or am I 
>> > just wrong (And/Or, that is).

>> 'fraid to tell ya that INSTANCE_HOME is hard wired into the code.  We're
>> not likely to change that lest we want to get the 'evil eye of Jim'.
>> But seriously, it is a pretty good idea to have something like this in
>> one place, for us at least, not you.
>> I cannot therefore recommend that you modify your Zope.  I also cannot
>> recommend that you would modify it in lib/python/AccessControl/User.py
>> in the Super class around line 270 or so.

>I've been meaning to bug you guys (DC) about this. Some how, and I'm not
>really sure how it happened, maybe it was hard drive glitch or something like
>that caused a line in _my_ lib/python/AccessControl/User.py to change from
> f=open('%s/access' % INSTANCE_HOME, 'r') to 
> f=open('%s/access' % SOFTWARE_HOME, 'r')
>and ever since that happened I've been able to manage multiple instances
>of zope, each with their own database, with one superuser account. Oh and
>I belived the access file moved to zope/lib/python as well, must be
>related to that same hard drive glitch I was talking about. It was freaky,
>but turned out to be really useful if you know what I mean.


     Sorry to hear about your troubles. Off hand, it sounds like you got 
hit with the "SOFTWARE_HOME" variant of Melissa. I am right now going to 
make absolutely sure no such horrific occurrence occurs in my own Zope 
     You done a great service in warning the Zope community about this 
malicious trojan. I had inadvertently caused the very thing Michel warned 
me about in his email, but your unfortunate predicament sounds like 
something that I should be even more careful about avoiding.

Thanks, (and grins),

Chris Larson

PS For anyone out there who has witnessed my travails with my ISP, NFS, 
etc, once I got var/ up an running under /tmp and set up a shell script 
to periodically backup and refresh the /tmp/var directory, and lamentably 
noticed the changes in User.py, everything is comin' up roses! I am now 
Zopin' away. And on the off chance noone has caught on to this little 
tidbit, Zope _rocks_!