[Zope-dev] SQLSession help needed!
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:08:58 +1100
>>> Clayton Miller wrote
> I have posted this message on the Zope maillist but I did not get a good
> answer. So I decided maybe some real Geeks hang out here instead. I am
> having trouble getting the SESSION.set(...) to work.
> Here is the code I am using.
> <dtml-comment>
> -----code starts here --------
> ZipCode = <dtml-var ZipCode>
> Distance = <dtml-var Distance>
> <dtml-var "SESSION.set('myZipCode', ZipCode)">
> <dtml-var "SESSION.set('myDistance', Distance)">
> <frameset cols="30%,70%">
> <frame src="<dtml-var Root>/Menu" name="Menu">
> <frame src="<dtml-var Root>/Main" name="Main">
> </frameset>
> -----code ends here -------
> </dtml-comment>
> Here is the error I am getting:
> !
> Temporarily Unavailable
> The resource you requested is temporarily unavailable -
> please try again later.
> (116) unable to connect, fd=5
This isn't an SQLSession error. I've never seen this at all.
Hm - I wonder if it's breaking the postgres adaptor in some way...
Can you do a 'test' of the various SQL methods inside the SQLSession?
Do they work?
Can anyone who uses Postgres confirm whether or not strings in an
insert can contain newlines?
e.g.: will the following work?
create table foobar (
ch varchar(200)
insert into foobar ( ch ) values ( 'this
is a
string' )
If not, it's possible that this is the problem. Gadfly has a similar
issue. I have an idea on how to fix this, I'll whack it in the code
and upload a new version shortly.
> This is the type of error I have received plenty of times when the SQL
> statement was incorrect somehow. Just how do you debug this error? I
> looked at standard_error_html and I do not see this error text. How do
> you find out which object /line is causing the problem?
It sounds like the PostgreSQL DA is a little bad in it's handling of
errors - the Oracle, Sybase and Gadfly DAs all produce a decent error
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.