[Zope-dev] XMLWidget ldemo undeletable.
Robin Becker
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 19:07:07 +0100
In article <19991015174355.A15057@vet.uu.nl>, Martijn Faassen
<faassen@vet.uu.nl> writes
>Robin Becker wrote:
>> In article <19991015160301.B14669@vet.uu.nl>, Martijn Faassen
>> <faassen@vet.uu.nl> writes
>> OK I'll try and remember to delete products the right way round.
>> I have now tried to reinstall the product, but I keep having problems.
>> I can get the demo to import, but it looks like it's broken. Do I have
>> to do an import as well as the extract into Products (like the previous
>> version)? I have copied Node.py into XMLDocument.
>Hm, unless I did something wrong, you should do this:
>* Remove any old XMLWidgets installation you had. You've done this
>* Install xmlwidgets-0.2.tgz in lib/python/Products. Restart Zope
>* Install the ZClasses xmlwidgets-zclasses-0.2.zexp in the product
>management screen. This is easier than in the previous version; it makes a
>new product called XMLWidgetsZClasses
>* Now install the demo xmlwidgets-demo-0.2.zexp somewhere else in the tree.
>I thought my installation document explained this, though. Was something
>unclear? Does it not work this way? I am sorry to cause all this trouble!
OK I was trying to import inside the XMLWidgets product. Now all is
clear and much better than previously.
Robin Becker