[Zope-dev] Zope unit testing framework?
Tres Seaver
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:34:46 -0600
Martijn Faassen <faassen@vet.uu.nl>
> Hi there,
> Recently I've been reading some books [1] which put emphasis on the idea
> of unit testing. At the Python conference Joel Shprentz held a short talk
> about doing unit tests in Python [2]
> Basically a unit tests are some simple test functions that are associated
> with a unit of code (a python module). The tests exercise the code in
> the module, and either succeed or fail (there may also be an error due
> to an uncaught exception). Each time you change something in the module
> you run the associated tests. The idea is that this makes debugging easier,
> catching bugs more quickly and giving better diagnostics. Doing unit tests
> in Python isn't hard to do.
> I'm having more trouble thinking of a good way to do unit tests in Zope,
> though. Partially this is because Zope has various parts (the management
> interface for folders, ZClasses, product development), which each may need
> a different testing strategy. Partially this is because Zope currently mixes
> model and view together (though there are thoughts to do something about
> this [3]) -- unit tests are about testing code (methods and such), not
> user interfaces. Another problem is that much Zope code is not easy to test
> in isolation from Zope. Too much of the code depends on various Zope
> facilities (base classes, object database integration).
> Has anybody any ideas on how to do unit testing within the Zope framework? I'd
> like to try adopting somekind of unit test strategy for my Zope
> development.
I got addicted to unit testing after reading John Lakos' excellent book, _Large
Scale C++ Software Design_. He emphasises not only unit tests, but a more
elaborate strategy, "design for testability:" not only does each module come
with its own tests, but the system knows about dependencies between modules, and
guarantees to test the depended-on modules before their dependents (so as to
avoid spurious errors).
In the Zope world, I think this has to translate to somthing like:
1. Each Python module should have a set of associated tests, which would by
preference live inside the "if __name__ == '__main__'" block at the bottom
of the module (an alternative would be to use Tim Peters' DocTest stuff,
which embeds the unit tests in docstrings). One would then have a script,
like the one which compiles all the Python modules during installation,
to run these modules (perhaps using some fancy dependency analysis based
on the import statements?)
2. For testing ZClasses, I am afraid that some kind of ZClient-based test
will be required. Each test would:
* Generate a suitably-unique folder name.
* Construct a folder of that name off the root of the ZODB.
* Build all scaffolding objects inside the new folder.
* Run the tests, capturing the results and comparing them against
* Finally, blow away the sandbox folder.
Perhaps, as you point out, some of the effort to disentangle the core Python
model from the HTML view will make such testing easier to lay down in the Zope
core itself. Given a suitable framework, product developers could even allow
third parties to contribute tests highlighting bugs they have found.
> [1]
> Martin Fowler, ed., Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code,
> Addison Wesley Longman, 1999
This is the best book I have read on the actual practice of "Extreme
Programming" -- I recommend it highly.
> Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained, Addison Wesley Longman, 1999
This book is a somewhat higher-level view of XP, and an "apologetic" for it (in
the old, technical sense). Still quite useful to read, but not as much meat for
the working programmer to digest.
> [2]
> http://www.python.org/workshops/2000-01/proceedings/posters/shprentz/shprentz.pdf
> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PythonUnit
I have put up the code I currently use for unit testing Python modules at:
> [3]
> http://www.zope.org/Resources/Mozilla/ZWiki/ZopeMVC
> http://www.zope.org/Resources/Mozilla/ZWiki/ModelViewController
Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com 713-523-6582
Palladion Software http://www.palladion.com