[Zope-dev] Redirecting from the manage interfaces.

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 23:02:20 +0100

Erik Enge wrote:
> > call, it won't redirect.  So you should be able to achieve the same
> > results just by invoking manage_addImage without including the REQUEST
> > object.
> But I have to pass something with the REQUEST, or else it won't add the
> image, right?

This is the problem we've experienced here at NIP...

> > A convention I've seen that works just a little better is to redirect
> > based on the existence of a RESPONSE object.  You need RESPONSE to
> > redirect, so if it isn't provided, you shouldn't redirect.
> >
> > Of course this needs to be documented and more reliable.

Hmm, I wonder if you could specify in the RESPONSE object where the
redirection would take place to?

Why I'm asking is 'cos it'd be really nice not to have to keep
re-writing UI when there's perfectly good stuff available in the
management interface, things like add forms, edit forms, etc...

However, if you call these from anywhere else, they dump you in the
management interface when you're finished rather than going to where you
want them to.

Any ideas or am I missing the point?

