[Zope-dev] FWIW, ZCVSMixin now at 0.0.2... and rising. ;-)

Steve Spicklemire steve@spvi.com
Wed, 24 May 2000 13:12:03 -0500 (EST)

Ack.. had to move one of these URLS:

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Spicklemire <steve@spvi.com> writes:

    Steve> FYI... if anyone out there is testing... there is already
    Steve> an update to ZCVSMixin.

    Steve> http://www.zope.org/Members/sspickle/ZCVSMixin

    Steve> This is of course in cvs!

    Steve> http://cvs.spvi.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/zope/lib/python/Products/ZCVSMixin/

not any more! Now it's


    Steve> and you can see some cvs'ed objects:

    Steve> http://cvs.spvi.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/zopeObjs/testCVS/

    Steve> -steve

I've not heard any comments about the usefulness of this concept...
am I barking up the wrong tree to get version control of zope objects?
Does someone know of a better way?
