[Zope-dev] HiperDOM & xmlc
Lalo Martins
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:13:34 -0300
We (I and Hiperlogica, a company I consult with) have been
developing a template renderer with similar intent to xmlc
(be based on XML/DOM, allow the template to be previewed and
edited using tools not aware of the format, such as xHTML
editors, and enforce presentation/logic separation).
As the project is somewhat on hold while we have more pressing
issues, I decided to share the current (rather kludgy)
prototype with the community. It is at
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 02:06:08PM +0000, Jason Spisak wrote:
> Zope Devers,
> THis is going to seem strange coming from someone who hasn't been on the
> list in a long time, but I was at the Linux Expo in San Jose, and sat in on
> a Web app talk. Lutris was in charge of the panel, and they talked about
> xmlc. I went to their booth and asked about it. I think it could be the
> best way to get hard-core python people to jump on zope's band-wagon, and
> stop the dtml frowning.
> If you who are in the know about zope have time, please read a quick bit on
> what it is.
> http://xmlc.enhydra.org
> Especially the tutorial:
> http://staff.plugged.net.au/dwood/xmlc/index.html
> Is there any obvious reason why Zope wouldn't benefit tremendously from
> this design and programming separation and pure python boost?
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