[Zope-dev] How do I create a folder with subfolders, docs etc?

Casey Duncan casey_duncan@yahoo.com
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 14:54:46 -0800 (PST)

--- Espen Sorbye Frederiksen <ceeesf@cee.hw.ac.uk>
> Thank you for your reply. I relised that my example
> was not quite what I
> ment. What if newfolder is a variable taking a
> random string value. How
> can I emediatly after creating the folder, with the
> variable
> newfolder id, create a subfolder within the one I
> just made?
> My sample code should look like this:
> <dtml-call expr="manage_addFolder(id="newfolder")">
> <dtml-call
> If you have any further suggestions I would be
> grateful,
> Espen

Try this:

<dtml-call expr="manage_addFolder(folder_id)">
<dtml-call expr="_[folder_id].manage_addFolder('subFolder')">

| Casey Duncan
| Kaivo, Inc.
| cduncan@kaivo.com

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