[Zope-dev] How long below the radar?
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 19:31:43 -0700
> Maybe flying under the radar is exactly the right place to be,
> if it empowers Open Source service providers to help small to
> mid-size customers to leverage a full ERP system. GNUe will be
> the kind of technology that only the GMs and GEs of the world
> have been able to afford, up to now. Unfortunately, my experience
> is that such customers are even less informed about the benefits
> of Open Source options, and thus even less likely to embrace a
> "no-name" solution.
Absolutely, the fact that Zope is Open Source is not generally a huge
selling point to those outside Open Source, and those in it know about it
already. The pitch to the "corporate types" that make decisions is based on
things such as GUI tools, easy install and packages, books available,
programmer availability, maintainability, security and so on. These are
improving but unfortunately some things such as the Windows installation do
tend to suffer.
I still think the lack of packages that you can install and get some package
working easily is the biggest hurdle, Zope is a bunch of building blocks.
The two biggest CMF and Squishdot are doing well and / or going to do well.
But this is unfortunately the minority. I hate to go back to the Ecommerce
thread again, but that could be a killer Zope app, just imagine a click
install to an ecommerce Zope server.
One late night on irc we were talking about forming the RedHat of Zope and a
company to sell value added distributions... DC cant do everything, but some
of things do need to happen.
Andy McKay