Something better than ZClasses (was: Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Zcatalog bloat problem (berkeleydb is a solution?))

Stephan Richter
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:09:56 -0500

>I just realised something.  How do you need this to work?  With regards to
>the wizard.  Should mk-zprod produce the files and add them to a folder in
>itself?  Or should it return everything for the wizard to handle?

All what the wizard will do is provide the user with a nice interface/GUI 
to enter the information. I will then pass the information to the above 
mentioned management methods and the MakeZProduct Product will then 
generate the code and save it to the file system.

BTW, we will assume that the user that runs the Zope engine has write 
access to /ZOPE/lib/python/Products.


Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry Student
Web2k - Web Design/Development & Technical Project Management