Something better than ZClasses (was: Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Zcatalog bloat problem (berkeleydb is a solution?))

Bill Anderson
28 Jun 2001 19:09:25 -0600

On 28 Jun 2001 13:09:56 -0500, Stephan Richter wrote:
> >I just realised something.  How do you need this to work?  With regards to
> >the wizard.  Should mk-zprod produce the files and add them to a folder in
> >itself?  Or should it return everything for the wizard to handle?
> All what the wizard will do is provide the user with a nice interface/GUI 
> to enter the information. I will then pass the information to the above 
> mentioned management methods and the MakeZProduct Product will then 
> generate the code and save it to the file system.
> BTW, we will assume that the user that runs the Zope engine has write 
> access to /ZOPE/lib/python/Products.

Don't forget about those of us that use $INSTANCE_HOME/Products