[Zope-dev] Organizing modules in a python product
Itai Tavor
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 12:18:32 +1100
I'm writing a python product containing around 40-50 modules, each
one with some dtml files. At the moment I got all the modules .py
files in the product directory, and a www directory with
subdirectories for each module.
| -- MyProduct
|-- Module1.py
|-- Module2.py
| www
|-- Module1
|-- addModuleForm.dtml
|-- Module2
|-- index.dtml
|-- Utils.py
I want to change this to a layout where all the files for a module
are grouped together:
|-- MyProduct
|-- Module1
|-- Module1.py
|-- www
|-- addModuleForm.dtml
|-- Module2
|-- Module2.py
|-- www
|-- index.dtml
|-- Utils.py
But I'm finding this very hard to work with. In Module1, importing
from Utils require doing 'from Products.MyProduct.Utils', and
importing from another Module2 requires 'from
Is there any way to set this up so imports like 'import Utils' and
'import Module2' would work in Module1? As a bonus, can I also get
__init__.py files in each module directory to be executed?
Itai Tavor -- "Je sautille, donc je suis." --
itai@optusnet.com.au -- - Kermit the Frog --
-- --
-- "Every day, once a day, give yourself a present" - Dale Cooper --