Subject: Re: [Zope-dev] Comment on CVS change

Dieter Maurer
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 21:47:09 +0100 (CET)

Tres Seaver writes:
 > ....
 > Given that any site manager can override the policy trivially, using
 > only two lines of DTML, should we really be switching the (admittedly
 > arbitrary) existing polciy embedded in the core?
 > Tres.
 > P.S.
 >   <dtml-let search_terms="_.string.split( search_text )"
 >             search_with_and="_.string.join( search_terms, ' and ' )">
 >    <dtml-var searchCatalog>
 >   </dtml-let>
 > OK, so it is two and a half lines.
Be careful!
  The catalog supports "..." and "(...)".
  Your two lines  may give spurious operators for
  white space inside "..." and after "(" or before ")"
