[Zope-dev] More Core Session Tracking Woes :-(
Chris Withers
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:40:34 +0100
The setup:
-Zope 2.2.4
-Core Session Tracking 0.7
-Cookie session ID manager (path=/,lifetime=0)
-Internal Session Data Manager (timeout set to 60 minutes)
This seems to randomly (but sometimes very frequently) loose session data items
I've sprayed lots of log statements around (including in SessionData.invalidate,
to ensure I wasn't inadvertently calling it) and so far it appears that the
session id cookie is being returned by the browser (so path, lifetime, etc are
probably okay) but self.session.getSessionData().get('Type','') is often
returning an empty string, even when I know it has been set.
This is an intermittent problem though, so it's probably going to be a bitch to
track down :-( There's doesn't seem to be any correlation with the 'Can't Load
State for x' problem I reported earlier, but I guess it could be the same thing.
Anyway, please help, I'm loosing (hair|sleep|etc) over this :-(