[Zope-dev] Call Profiler strangeness - lots of ZODB transactions
Richard Jones
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 09:27:38 +1000
On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:29, Toby Dickenson wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:30:56 +1100, Richard Jones
> <rjones@ekit-inc.com> wrote:
> >I'm investigating why our product ZODB is growing when it shouldn't. I've
> >found that the undo log has entries in it every five minutes saying
> >"Installed product CallProfiler by Zope". More infrequently (not
> > regularly) we also have "Installed product ZOracleDA by Zope".
> Was zope restarting (or being restarted) every five minutes?
No, but it is being pinged. By that, I mean that we have a script that tries
to access the ZEO server every five minutes to make sure it's all OK. The
script does the following::
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, '/app/zope/zopecontrol_code/lib/python')
os.environ['ZEOPORT'] = '8076'
os.environ['ZEOHOST'] = 'devhost1.off.ekorp.com'
import Zope
# now do stuff with the Zope.app() (we don't actually have to do anything
# to trigger the ZODB note generation - the import is enough)
Now, the problem lies in the way that the CallProfiler gets itself into the
Control Panel. This code was copied from the LeakFinder product, so I assume
it'll have the same problem. The code is::
def installControlPanel(context, panelClass):
from App.ApplicationManager import ApplicationManager
from Acquisition import aq_base
app = context._ProductContext__app
cp = app.Control_Panel
id = panelClass.id
if 0: # Enable to clean up the control panel.
try: del cp._objects
except: pass
cp.id # Unghostify.
if hasattr(cp, id):
return cp._getOb(id)
if cp.__dict__.has_key('_objects'):
# _objects has been overridden. We have to persist.
existing = getattr(aq_base(cp), id, None)
if existing is None or existing.__class__ != panelClass:
cp._setObject(id, panelClass())
# Don't persist what we don't have to.
objects = ApplicationManager._objects
objects = filter(lambda o, id=id: o['id'] != id, objects)
ApplicationManager._objects = objects + (
{'id':id, 'meta_type':panelClass.meta_type},)
try: delattr(cp, id)
except: pass
setattr(ApplicationManager, id, panelClass())
return cp._getOb(id)
Where panelClass is my Product's class.
When the ping script imports Zope, the product is installed. If it's
installed as a "regular" product, using context.registerClass, all is OK. If
it is installed using the above function, I get ZODB transaction notes of the
form "Installed product CallProfiler by Zope 2002-04-08 11:14:10 PM".
It's all a bit black magic for me though. I honestly don't know why half of
the function above actually exists. I'm going to keep looking though, but if
someone could help, I'd be extremely grateful.