[Zope-dev] Zope components and revision control with cvs
Shane Hathaway
Thu, 01 Aug 2002 15:04:10 -0400
Mehran erfani wrote:
> I am a newbie to the zope world and recently started
> using zope in our corporate development environment.
> One thing that I couldn't find so far is an easy way
> to use cvs for revision control for individual
> components developed in zope. I understand that zope
> has its own version control system and mechanism. But
> still in a corporate frame work it might be desirable
> to find a way to be able to use systems such as cvs to
> do revision control outside the frame of zope. I am
> pretty much familiar with export and import facilities
> in zope, but I am sure we all agree that importing and
> exporting individual components of a big project is
> going to be quite cumbersome. On the other hand import
> and export of a zope project as whole is not going to
> be helpful in using cvs either.... so I am puzzled! Is
> there anyone out there who has a suggestion on this
> issue? Is there anyway around this? Does zope provide
> some API to be able to export and import components in
> group...Is there any product out there that would
> automate one such a procedure? I would appreciate it
> if anyone can help. Thanks.
There are a few products on zope.org for integrating with CVS. Look
through the downloadable products. I think there are CVSFolder and
ZCVSFile (or something like that), maybe more.
However, most version control tools are difficult to integrate into
applications in a platform-neutral way. To integrate with CVS, for
example, Zope spawns a CVS client, but the CVS client runs with the
privileges of the Zope process rather than the user's privileges. It
works but it's not very clean.
Subversion, however, gives us a new opportunity. The first alpha has
been released. Communicating with a Subversion repository involves
HTTP, WebDAV, and DeltaV--all documented, open standards. So Zope could
talk to a Subversion repository in a very transparent, well-integrated
way. Anyone out there looking to write a nice, useful product for Zope?
A Zope->Subversion adapter would be a great choice. :-)