[Zope-dev] when will FSZSQLMethodes be ready for primetime?
Chris Withers
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 12:14:53 +0100
Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> code base. unfortunately, the semantics differ widely from the accepted
> standards for putting information like parameters at the top of the
> file. his syntax is all different :/
I find this comment quite annoying. What are these 'accepted standards' you
speak of? Where are they documented?
If you mean the way Script (Python)'s do this, I'd hardly call the an accepted
standard or even relevant in this case. ZSQL Methods are DTML based, not python
based. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to the documented accepted standards for
specifying named parameters of filesystem based DTML methods? How about page
templates? ;-)
For me, a dtml-comment block seems the logical equivalent of a set of python
comments. Other than that, FSZSQLMethods beahve identically of normal ZSQL Methods.
All that is missing is a bit of documentation, which I'll see if I can add now.